Our core business is logistics. We provide the best haulage services. We can move anything from 0.1kg to 30 tonnes.
We transport goods and products from Botswana to Zambia and South Africa
We offer affordable rates for local delivery.
Parcel Delivered
Total weight
Satisfied Clients
Total Milage
We have a team of experienced stuff that ensure your goods arrive on time and in perfect condition.
We know that your goods are your value possessions. At Yarra our warehouses in Johannesburg and Gaborone are safe and secure. We also pride ourselves with up to date systems that ensure your goods are secure.
No matter the size or distance, we at Yarra are geared to move your cargo within Botswana and across the SADC region.
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Before anything’s loaded up, there’s de-racking, packing and tracking. There’s surveying and risk assessment.
Our team will respond to you as soon as possible.
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